Monday, October 31, 2011

Powerpuff Madness

I'm not going to lie, I loved the Powerpuff Girls when I was a kid. The green one was my favourite. Still, now that I look back at these things...I wonder...Why was the professor making little girls with sugar and spice and everything nice? Being far more literate than I was in my youth, immediately thoughts of one dastardly Humbert Humbert spring to mind. Had he the technology our dear professor possessed, he would have made so many little girls and they certainly wouldn't be to fight crime. No special 'X' sauce would've gotten spilled into that brew.

Which brings me to another matter. Why, oh why, is everything 'X'? The X-men. Weapon X. Special Agent X. What is this? Some sort of alphabet conspiracy? I'm sure other letters would like to have a go as well, people! Does the letter 'X' have some sort of ominous quality to it, or is this actually based in mathematics, wherein 'x' is simply a common indicator of a variable? (If it were real math though, I'm sure it'd involve some Greek letters. Then again, since this isn't real math, wouldn't it be indicated by the letter 'i'?)

That was rather xkcd of me, wasn't it?

In any case, the Powerpuff Girls are a treasured part of my youth that have now become tainted by my ever-growing knowledge of the world. You'd almost think they were made by Disney...


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